Thursday, September 21, 2006


According to CONCRETELOOP, Grammy winning R&B singer ASHANTI exits Manhattan Federal Court after she and her first producer, Genard Parker, settled the case between them. Parker was seeking over $2 million from Ashanti after it was found that she broke a contract with him. After she won she said “I’d rather be in the studio writing.”
But it’s not quite over in the courtroom for Ashanti, she’ll be back in court this June, due to her ex-manager suing her for breach of contract

I'm happy that Ashanti won her court case. Its just like Biggie said, "Mo Money Mo Problems", but the hater in me can't help but to feel ENRAGED that she wants to make more music.

NEED I ASK ......................WHY?????

NOTE TO ASHANTI: At this point in the game boo u need to either step your game , (i.e vocal lessons, dance lessons, stage presence) or call it a wrap. Besides, U go with Nelly Why don't u just get knocked up and charge it to the game? Just a thought, I'll let u sleep on it .................

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