Thursday, September 14, 2006

WAKE UP MR. WEST.........

Ye recently "celebrated" being named on the 67th Annual International Best Dressed List.

NOTE TO KANYE-Just in case u were wondering, this why people think u are a fruit cake, moving on.....

Kim Kardishan

From Ray J---to---The Game---to Nick Cannon. Looks like we have another Hollywood run-through.....moving on

I'm not gone even say nothing.................but

I'm gone for damn sure comment on this shit here.......I don't understand, why did Kim do this to herself she looks like a damn special effect, a science project or something. Its so weird sometimes she can look ok and other times.........well u see it. Then on top of that she is all hugged up on Beetlejuice! Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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