Tuesday, October 3, 2006


I know what your're thinking , "Dang Miss Jo another Beyonce post?"
Yes Dammit!!!! I am a Beyonce stan and I admit now moving on,,,,,

Miss Bee was in my hometown, Chicago, to promote the launch of her clothing line House of Dereon @ Macy's. If u haven't heard Momma Tina had to get buck when a correspondent from CBS news asked about allegations from various vendors that the clothes are not made to fit the average woman.
(click here for link: http://cbs2chicago.com/video/id=26438@wbbm.dayport.com)

Then Solange joined Tina and Bee on the red carpet before her performance @ Macy's Glamorama @ the Chicago Theatre

Solange looking just like Matthew in this pic

Dang Solange who pissed u off?

Much better boo boo much better

I'm gone need for my girl to chill with the tights and stilettos!!!!

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