Thursday, June 14, 2007


Looks like Clifford is trying to stir up some controversy in hopes to generate sales for his new album. TI is now claiming Ludacris didn't deserve the "Rap Album of the Year Grammy, instead the winner should've went to his last album "King"
"I had the album of the year whether I won a grammy for it or not. I think numbers show that. I think that if you go out to anybody on the streets and ask them, they'll tell you. I think that it's a no-brainer. You ask him (Ludacris), he'll probably tell you the same thing. Come on, man, who in hip-hop doesn't know that? If you a supporter of hip-hop, who doesn't know that King is the only platinum album that dropped last year... that was platinum by the time the new-year's bell rung? At 12:01, January 1, 2007, who had the hottest album of the year? I think it's unanimous." Source

Ow I just love it when he gets mad, so sexy but slow down shorty doo-wop you gone get yours. Real Talk I liked "Urban Legend" better than "King" but hey that's my opinion

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