Tuesday, September 5, 2006

What the BLANK!!

Okay, so for us Adverage Divas, everyday can't be a "Fabulous Day". We all have our "Aw hell naw" fashion moments...but when you got the scrill, no excuses will be accepted.
For Instance;

What the BLANK!!! If this bitch don't give Mariah back her spandex dress....I mean, don't get me wrong, this chick's body is CRAZY, but if you insist on wearin' shit that's so tight, you can see your stretch marks through it, for God sake, wear the right underware. There called thongs baby...or hell go commando. I can see your gurdle drawers!!
Moving on

Now usually Miss Milian is on top of her fashion game, and honestly this outfit's not THAT bad, but if you gon' rock the purple boots, you gotta glam up the hair and makeup little. Since she chose to be halfway casual, she needs to put those boots on Ebay and let me rock 'em right
Ever wonder how a human Sea Monkey looks like?

Wonder no more...well, she's more like a Grease Monkey in this pic. Actually, her fit's not that bad either, but from the glare bouncin' off the dome, it looks tired, and does she. I want her to eat about 3 sandwiches a day though, cause her ass almost dissappeared if she stands sideways.
Speaking of someone eating PLENTY of sandwiches

Damn Mya's a brickhouse on the low!!! But I'm still gon' kick her ass for the getup!

Better honey. That's what I'm talkin' bout!!!

Now this is casual done right. You go Ms. Rowland!!
As far as B, all I can say is take note...casual could still be stylish.
The moral of the story ladies is, it doesn't take much to look your best. Just take your time, and do it right.

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