Kelis dimissed the idea of a reality show, " With all the events we do, I like to see my life," Kelis said in a visit to AOL Music's New York studios Wednesday. "I drive Nas crazy 'cause it's usually me with the camera, which he is totally over. So, I just got this guy to help us document our life. Whether we choose to do something with it or not is still up in the air. Right now, I really just wanna show my kids how fly Mommy was when she was in her twenties."
Fly and high!!! She also revelead she use to partake in a "session or two". "I used to smoke a lot of weed," she said. "I don't anymore, but I forgot about like nine years of my life (between the aages of 14-23) . I feel like that era was just a haze. I always knew I was gonna be a weed smoker; I did not think drugs were bad. I can't remember the exact year I stopped, but I remember stopping. I wasn't even getting high anymore, it was more of a habitual thing. That's how I knew it was time to stop. It was like 'I'm bored. Let's have a sober period, that could be fun," she joked.
Yeah I can believe that. Did u hear her first album? She had to be smoking that OOO WEE!!!
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