Tuesday, October 3, 2006

a special hotlips piece called: now am i the only one.................

now am i the only one......

who think that janet looks like a man in this pic.i mean yea her body is hot and i would kill her for it if i could but...........for her to rock this wig her stylist must've said "no janet, no, no, that wig doesn't bring out ur more masculine features....yes, janet it makes u look really delicate". no boo. she lied. u look a dark-skinned micheal.

now am i the only one...................

who thinks that janet is showing too much.now i haven't heard her new album yet but every week i see anotha mag cover wit her showing her new body that she got wit good old fashion exercise (diet pill maybe?).all i have to say is her boo jermaine is workin over time for her "black cat".i ain't mad @ u jermaine. hope the album does good. lol!!!

now am i the only one......................

who is mad at lil kim for her wardrobe and make up choices!!!!!u have all that access to the good shit and u chose to go out like that. y u gotta do that!!!! i'm jus mad. no comment!!!!!

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