Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Jazze Pha's Knitch boutique opening went down recently

Ummm...... Jazze where is your neck baby?

Me waving real hard: Hey Michael

Is that Steve Urkel or Stephon Urkele?

Jordan Brand helped Melo celebrate and hosted the cast of "The Wire" at a Denver Nuggets Game Sunday at the Pepsi Center in Denver and then dinner @ Sumba

Soooooo guys when is the wedding??

Whoa LaLa put them missles away mama!!!

Melo thought bubble : Hardy Harr Harr I'm so rich

J.R. Smith

Cast of "The Wire"

Hey ya'll

Andre Royo and LaLa

Felicia "Snoop" Pearson

Yes folks that is a feMALE

"Marlo Stansfield"(far left brown coat) is looking ruggedly sexy in that new Monica vid
Nas's new album cover for his highly anticipated Def Jam debut record, "Hip Hop Is Dead."

So I guess you think you can resurrect it(hip hop) huh Nas? We'll see

The Game was spotted recently at the New Jersey Nets vs Los Angeles Lakers Game

wow looks like he doesn't get out much

Check out Common with Alicia Keys in a new promotional picture for their new upcoming movie, "Smoking Aces"

Looks "smokin"

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