Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Featuring 1/3 Of the Gotti Brothers

TMZ has obtained the mugshot of "Growing Up Gotti" star Frank Agnello, who was busted on drug charges earlier this month in New York. He's practically unrecognizable without gobs of hair gel and assorted gaudy chains.The 16-year old grandson of the late mobster, "Teflon Don" John Gotti, was pulled over on November 10th, after blowing through a red light. Cops say they found marijuana, OxyContin and morphine pills in the console, glove compartment and trunk of Agnello's 2006 Chrysler Pacifica. They also found OxyContin and morphine pills in the purse of Juliana Buckley, Agnello's passenger. Agnello faces two misdemeanor charges of criminal possession of a controlled substance; he and Buckley are due in court on January 24. We'll see if these charges stick. "

Wow a Gotti in trouble with the law what are the odds

Moving on

Starrring "Hustle Man"

TMZ has learned that "30 Rock" star Tracy Morgan was busted for drunk driving early this morning in New York. Police sources tell TMZ the comedian/actor was stopped at 4:38 AM in the Bronx after cops noticed he was driving erratically. According to the police report, Morgan "was unable to maintain a position in a lane of traffic."Morgan was taken to the 33rd Precinct and charged with Driving While Intoxicated.This is Morgan's second drunk driving arrest. He's currently on probation in Los Angeles for a D.U.I. conviction. The latest arrest could constitute a violation of Morgan's probation and, as a result, he could face jail time in both L.A. and New York.Morgan's rep was not immediately available for comment.
Come on now Black folks let's get it together

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