Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Ashanti photoshoot by Derrick Santini

Ashanti thought bubble: I wonder how many times I can say Baby in this song

I got it......Baby, oh baby, aww baby, love ya baby, ba-ba-ba-ba-babyyyyyyyyyy

I like these pics. They're very Avante Garde

Jay hit up Las Vegas nightclub TAO on his Hangar Tour

Look all his lil white friends showed up

That ROC sign look real janky

The Los Angeles Free Clinic Dinner Gala

Jennifer Hudson looking FABO

Wow JLO looks good Marc Anthony still looks dehydrated

Snoop's album release party for the Blue Carpet Treatment

That's That


Can someone please inform me of who Blu Cantrell is fucking? Why is she at just about every industry party???
and on that note

The Day and Night party
Is she and Eric Benet dating???

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