See I have a love/hate feeling about Bee's look. Love the shoes, hate the pony tail...and the dress was just ah-ight.
Same with Christina's fit. I love the shoes, not with the dress. And the dress's cool. I mean I would bid on it if she sold it on ebay, but it looks kinda cheap.
This chick is always hit or miss with me. Them eyebrows always downgrades whatever style she try to achieve. So close Meagan. So damn close.
In this case, Remy always misses with me. And really, is she even in the running. Not as long as she rock them bangs she's not.

And since we're on the subject of "she ain't got a snowflake's chance in hell" as far as fashion hits...
even when she's photoshopped beyond repair...oh Wendy.
This crusty chick don't even try. Damnit Golden Brooks. More like Copper Lakes.
I gotta give it to this bitch for her confidence.
See that's why he keep dumpin' yo ass. You so busy sniffin' behind Tip's ass, you can't even get yo shit together...DOWNGRADE
This is supposed to be a before and after photo of Shar Jackson and her recent lipo. REAL TALK; I just think this was a wardrobe change. This isn't an up or downgrade. It's right down the middle.
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