Friday, June 8, 2007


Irv Gotti (King Magazine): “Me and Ashanti are definitely like, uh.. there was a space in time where we, uh, I’m trying to find the right words. I like to say that we will always be in each other’s lives. We are in the Guinness Book of World Records cause she has the biggest-selling debut from a female R&B artist. So I deem that as special. When I was going through the trial, a lot of people weren’t riding right. So I’m happy I seen what I seen, and it went the way it went. As far as me and her business-wise, she felt she’s outgrown Murder Inc. Is she gone? Never. That’s why you have contracts. She’s here for the next few albums. But she’s doing her own thing. I just say, “What’s the single?” And I’m gonna put it out. Hopefully she makes the best shit, so we both can make lots of money [laughs].” Ah, those damn contracts. The years, albums, and $$$ artists (and coaches) happily agree to are there to prevent them from waking up one morning and deciding, “Hmmm, I just don’t want to do this, with them, anymore.”

Umm I can sum all that up in a couple of sentences: Ashanti and I were banging and then her album miraculously sold all the sudden she was hot and when I fell off she started banging Nelly. But its all good because I got that b$tch on lock down for at least 3 albums..

Speaking of which check this new bullsh&t I mean song from Ashanti and JE.............

Jagged Edge feat. Ashanti - Put A Lil’ (full) - download / alternate

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