Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I know this is an old pic but it was appropriate for the post

According to Rihanna, Jay Z has a PHD , a Player Hater Degree. She tells People Magazine:
“I just found out from a mutual friend that guys will talk to Jay first before they try to approach me,” Rihanna tells People at a Venus Breeze event in New York City. He’s very protective,” she continued, “Jay has my best interests in mind. If it’s a good guy I know Jay won’t shut him down. But if he’s not, Jay will be like, ‘No, no, no.’ ” When asked who some of the potential dates have been she answered, “He actually never tells me. I have no clue who they are and I guess I’ll never know.”

Hmmm sounds kinda fishy to me Sasha I think you may want to do a little investigation on that

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