Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's Been a Long Time...

Hello babies!! We're back in effect, yeahhhhhhhh!!!! I know, I know. We've been gone so long, I know y'all been like, "Damn, did these mo'fos forget they had a blog?? How am I supposed to live on without my daily dose of that bullshit I need???" lol
Well, you know, lately we here at The Answer 24/7 have been feeling a little uninspired lately. Yeh, I know. It's been a crazy month in celebrity nonsen events that strase, and all the drama was really down at all of the parties andngely I wasn't invited to. I mean the Grammy's (bore) the All Star game (niggadum, as in, nigga-dumbass), Superbowl (undeniable), night clubs, night clubs, night clubs, oh yeh, and most recently, The Oscars (yeah J-Hud!). Well, if you know anything about the blog, you know we got you covered when comes to current events. We will comes with the news, gossip and always with our opinion. But before we pick up from where we left off, I just have something to say. It's more like a Public Service Announcement, if you will.

Someone out there in cyber space has been questioning our originality. Oh, no!!!!!!! Yeh, we've had this damn blog up since August people. All this time, I can count on one hand the number of responses and comments our fellow readers have left. (get on the ball people!!) But a recent post was put up about the death of Anna Nicole. My brother wrote a piece in referance to that and posted under my credits. I look at the bottom of the post and see, "oh goodie! Someone's made a comment." So here I am, excited that someone is actually saying something on our blog, and low and behold, it's just some hata' ass English teacher from IDontEvenCare middle high, tryin' to diss on how the fuckin' piece was written...or composed. I'm just like, you mean to tell me that out of all the shit that you could've made fun of about the post, you point out grammatical errors?!! On a blog?!!!! Bitch get a damn life. Ain't nobody checkin' for no damn spell check on this. How lame are you? I mean with all the made up ass words we used all through this blog, and all the broken ass English we type, you wanna give advice on that??

So after I laughed, took a shit and wrote back to the loser, I thought to myself, "Damn, my brother wrote a book. He just spent a stack getting that shit edited and everything. If this person would've wrote this shit sooner, he could've saved some money. Hell he could've just put his book on this blog, and we would've got a real professional editor to get his shit right. Damn it!!"

Love the comments though, good or bad, so keep it coming babies. And if you never commented on this before, well, I don't see a betta' time than now to start.

Much Love,

P.S. Oh, and for all my educated people out there. Please excuse the horredous grammatical errors. I know this was hard to follow. I'll make sure to keep my Webster's Dictionary nearby next time


Looks like ACADEMY AWARDS weren't the only thing being handed out last Sunday. Apparently Diddy was handing out 2 pieces and a bisquit . Allegedly Diddy assualted some guy at Elton John's post-Oscar party after dude confronted him for hitting on his girl.........Now Diddy should know better than to start a fight at the white folks party that foolishness is for the SOURCE Awards and ALL STAR Weekend.......Dammit can't take niggas nowhere


This is such an OLD rumor but I'll play..........Jigga is this your baby momma ?????

According to concreteloop, Jay-Z paid Trinidadian model Shenelle Scott $1 million big ones to keep his name off “their son’s” birth certificate..........$1 million dollars!!!! For that type of dough I know at least six chicks that will not only keep they BD name off the birth certificate but will lie under oath about the paternity ........ Shenelle, who is currently dating Lil Fizz, was discovered by Jigga in Trinidad when he filmed the ‘Big Pimpin’ video.......Hmm from Jigga to the lil rapper dude from B2K .......DOWNGRADE
I'm sorry Jigga you my nigga but THIS LITTLE BOY IS TOO CUTE to be your son ........No we won't be needing Maury for this one .......SOURCE


Wow you would think it was still Valentine's Day with all the BLACK LOVE on display............lets start with the Earl and Tasheera ( I think that's her name)

(like a white boy) Whoa dude this is like on a whole new level of "What the fuck"?
Do I really need to say ANYTHING???

Moving on

TI was recently seen in the A with his BM, Tiny...............

I know Boo sometimes you got to get real nice and popped to deal with her....

Moving on.......

Kimmy and Willie

Wow look like a loaded potatoe.......That dress is cute but I can't even really appreciate it....DAMMITT

I don't even know if they are a couple or not, I'm pretty sure Nippy would not appreciate Kimmy being all snuggled up on her piece like that......


Former Destiny's Child back dancer Michelle Williams,(I know that was so wrong) was just hired to play the role of Shug Avery in the Chicago production of The Color Purple. The hit Broadway musical opens in the Windy City on April 17........Say what you want about Michelle, homegirl always got a gig....I wonder if Matthew is her manager too........of course not....get a clue Kelly....

In other Color Purple news,(NO PUN INTENDED) Fantasia Barrino will be taking over the role as Miss Celie in the Broadway version on the play .........Gone head Fanny,,,,,,that is the perfect casting because you know sometimes Fanny (like Shug) SHOL IS U...... ok let me stop , that's still my girl but, you know I ain't lying. BV
Congratulations ladies....


Bobby was recently arrested..AGAIN........ on back child support warrants at his daughter's , LaPrincia, school he was there to watch her compete in a cheerleading competition...damn how embarrising..........I guess now that Nippy letting Willie Ray hit it his ass gone rot in jail huh........Hey on second thought tell THIS CHICK to bail you out.........


Things got a lilttle heated between Hot 97's Miss Jones and New York during a recent phone interview when Jonsie caught New York in the middle of a ..........LIE........GASP!!!!. Let's see she has fake hair, fake boobs and a fake ass personality.......I'm just so shocked Audio via Hip & Pop .CLICK HERE TO HEAR

But you know what that's not even surprising.....what's surprising is Deelishis and Busta Rhymes being a couple........between his BREATH and her about WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION


"Crazy ass NaNa" has her own MTV reality show following her recruitment of a new personal assistant. Campbell, whose last six assistants have quit because of her temper, and who has been accused of assault by two previous assistants, has decided she needs a new asistant, and what better way to find one than in front of the cameras. (Source)
Owwww I can't wait to see this mess right here............... (like a Napoleon Dynamite) AWESOME!!!!!!!!


Every one I know was jumping up and down when Jhud won her Oscar but that was AFTER we cussed her ass out (well our TV sets) when we saw her on the red carpet wearing that jacket like she just left the set of Star Trek or something........and what does she have in her pockets? Some oreos??If you are petty like me you probably said, "damn who did Tina and Matthew pay t0 convince that girl to wear that shit "..................Well look no further............famed Vogue fashion editor Andre Leon Talley was responsible for this monstrosity............damn Jhud why you let him do you like that boo? oh well look on the bright side you may be on just about every WORST dressed list but at least the jacket matches your OSCAR.........smooches


A Wolfgang Puck Catering employee diagnosed with hepatitis A may have exposed guests at several events, including the Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue party, featuring Beyonce. health officials said. The risk of illness was "quite low," but anyone who ate raw food at the Feb. 14 party was urged to get a preventive shot by today, the Los Angeles County Public Health Department said.

As exspensive as that food probably was , it got the nerve to put yo ass in the hospital..Aww hell naw.........Bee I hope you got your shots boo-boo


Ok earlier this month Foxxy Boogie was arrested and charged with battery after an alleged confrontation between her and a Florida beauty supply store owner.....Brown claims that the store owner barged in on her while she was on the toilet and demanded she leave the store, without giving her the privacy to get dressed. She held a press conference to address this :

"The only crime I am guilty of committing is being a young black female celebrity in Broward County,” I am the victim of an overzealous police department who engaged in police brutality and a money-hungry store owner whose motives are for me to pay his mortgage on his house and his children’s tuition...."
Damn first she smacked up the nail lady and now the man at the beauty supply come on now every fashionista knows that the their is nothing more important than the relationship between a girl and the person who sells her that bag of Premium Yaki or the one who knows how to do a full set (of nail) in 15 minutes for 15.00!!!!!!
I honestly believe she is an android........Yes dammit that chick is straight from the planet DUMBASS......the shananagans that she is constantly involved in does not happen to normal people.......sad so sad.........


Like father like son.......Justin Combs (son of Diddy and Misa Hylton) was getting a lil lap dance,,,,,,,

Isn't he like 4 1/2 years old???

Wow he looks so.........AFRAID? Well at least he didn't go to the "champagne room"

So what did Momma Mysa have to say about this........She told Hot97's MissInfo “It’s so crazy. These teens think that it’s nothing, like it’s dancing. But this is big problem for Justin. Real big. I don’t play that at all.”. She also claims to have fired the security guard who was suppose to be watching him citing "negligence" as the reason.........Hmm how could she expect the security to be watching her seed when he probably getting a lapdance his damn self I mean there is only so much a man can do

Friday, February 9, 2007

Just my two sense...

Hello people. This is [who gives a s***] with my first in a series of weekly posts. I'll rant for the most part about things that just make me go hmmmmmm... (we all have one right?) My word is not bond, so before you scream at your monitor in disagreement at my OPINION, just remember that disclaimer. I have a bunch to talk about and a lot to say but I'll try to keep it under 500 words and only post on Friday. Today I'd like to talk about the recent death of Anna Nicole Smith.

When a celebrity falls from our graces they inevitably become the butt of all jokes (see Paris, Britney, Nicole, and Lindsey for example). But shouldn’t there be some honor in death? When I first received the news of Anna Nicole Smith’s death, for some strange reason I was saddened. Firstly because I felt I’d lost someone with whom I was closely associated with. But it then got worse because, mainly, I correlated her with someone real in my life. For all intents and purposes, Anna Nicole was a voluptuous woman--- fluxuating weight notwithstanding. My fiancée is about her height and voluptuous as well. So here I was in my apartment deeply saddened because my woman was--- gone! When in truth she was at work and all was well. But it just brought me to realize Anna was--- human. A person who just became another victim of that beast called Hollywood.

I bet any one of you (man or woman) reading this now who had to walk in the same shoes as she did would wind up meeting that same fate on that Florida hotel lobby floor as well. Look at the circumstances. Firstly, living in an inopportune city with a high school education. If you’re hot, you’re gonna hit that pole for some change. And if an old billionaire with a thick wallet and a bag of Viagra happens to see your show and wanted to have the best sendoff to heaven, I bet you would put on them clear heels and dance for Daddy. And if your new stepson tried to jack you out of millions promised to you, I bet you would beat ‘um like he stole something.

Then comes Hollywood. To a naive young woman from a small town in Texas you’re just open. Open to becoming a B-movie, soft core queen. Open to taking in the excesses of your vices. Open to the scrutiny, invasive paparazzi, and misguided steps. Not to come off as a cliché (which is one all in itself) but aren’t we all guilty of an 'oops' at one point and time? Does that mean that even when one passes there is nothing good that could be said about them? Not even a moment of mourning? Even James Brown crazy ass got sent off like Biggie Smalls! Hell, Marilyn Monroe led the same life as she and died of 'mysterious' circumstances but she gets a stamp and is idolized even to this day… how twisted are we?

[generic signoff]

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


TAYE DIGGS has ANOTHER white woman

"We're done," Taye Diggs allegedly told a woman who asked about his wife, Broadway star Idina Menzel. After hosting the Pepsi Smash Super Bowl Bash on Feb. 1, Diggs took in a number of parties around town, including those thrown by Maxim and Playboy – and his wife was nowhere to be seen. Taye was photographed with this woman outside his Miami hotel, and begged photogs not to distribute the pics.


In a recent interview Mary J Blige stated, "The relationship I was in was so terrible, I had a gun to my face. At that point, I said to myself, 'There's something wrong with me. Guys don't want to stick around because they are ashamed of me.'(Star Pulse)
Is she talking about KCi? Mary please don't tell me you let that gremlin put a damn gun in your face..............


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Insiders at a hotel in the Bahamas claim to have overheard Keyshia telling someone on the phone that her “fiance was in the room” – but the only person in the room was Jeezy … She was also seen on the island sporting a huge rock.SOURCE.......Hmm talk about "Thug Matrimony" Nothing like finding a bitch to roll your blunts just the way you like em huh Jeezy? And Kesh who wouldn't love a dude that will post bail and get right back on the block......


LAILA ALI is on the cover of VOGUE SPORT


Since winning ANTM cycle 6 Danielle Evans has been a busy bee......

Elle Magazine shoot

Working the runway for Baby Phat

In a lingerie ad



KCi thought bubble: I smell doo-doo baby...........SPLAT!!!


Remy Ma revealed to AHH that she will star in her own reality show. The series is set to hit the small screen before the end of this year. "Right I'm just in the process of getting my build on," Remy Ma told "I can't talk about yet but it's crazy and it's coming." Oh lawd does that mean we will be able to see her WITHOUT makeup???? In that case this show needs to have a Parental Advisory label


Eurweb Critics are claiming that the singer deliberately created an enlarged, X-rated image during the historic performance. As soon as that big beige cloth flew up to create a silhouette of Prince playing his guitar, you knew it would be a matter of time before someone would comment on the phallic shadow it appeared to create Remember, it was Prince who famously made his guitar ejaculate during performances back in the day, as well as in the film “Purple Rain.”

NEWSFLASH: Prince is a freak what do you expect.............GA..........



Rashida Jones/Paula Patton/Sanaa Lathan

Sanaa you usually look FAB but I don't get this look...your "hair" is greasy you have on tights......I mean what's wrong?
Vivica @ the Femmy Awards

Looking good Viv

The lovely Kelly Rowland checked out the Heatherette fashion show

Kimora and Aubrey worked the runway

Ok first she was all in up in Utah with Diddy now this broad is doing fashion shows.........ok we get it like Lil Wayne said "she give good brain like she from a good school"