Friday, March 2, 2007

Just My Two Sense

Kissin Like My... Daddy?

This is sort of an old issue (to those parties involved especially) but I’d like to put my spin on the infamous kissing picture between Lil Wayne and Baby. First off I’d like to admit that I used to totally identify with Lil Wayne for a long time and it all started when I saw him in concert years ago. We’re roughly the same age, our musical aspirations are in the same genera, and we even grew out our dreadlocks around the same time (mine since clipped) just to be general. Saying that, I can now speak with an absolved conscious.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with a man showing an endearing sign of affection towards his children, his son especially. I even regard him as a stronger man whose unabashed to express his feelings openly. Will Smith for example has kissed his son Jayden on the lips during one of their photo ops for The Pursuit of Happyness. A few fundamental things I’d like to point out though; his biological son is 5 and even then there is an age where that is cut off. Lil Wayne and Baby on the other hand are not related to any degree and they are both grown men. Okay, so Baby did adopt him at a young age and did so much for him. Now that I think about it, if somebody adopted me and made me a famous millionaire… (where’s my Carmex?). But seriously, there’s no explination for that. I kiss my pops on his shiny, bald head sometimes, and even that’s in jest. But if I were to come at him full on, lips perched, with a kiss on the lips, I would get muffed like my face was a basketball. Why? Because there are things that you just don’t do as you get older, that being one of them. Sporting diapers--- unless you’re older than 70, are hospitalized, or apparently are a crazy astronaut not on a space mission--- is another.

Then there’s the mafia aspect. Let me explain something, from my understanding of the mob, I know kissing on both cheeks is a greeting done by family members. When one gives or receives a kiss on the mouth--- unless you’re a fagellie--- that marks the kiss of death. I will quote Wikipedia’s definition of the kiss in this aspect.

“A more ominous use of the kiss is as a symbol of condemnation as may be observed when a crime lord (in this case Baby) kisses an underling (Lil Wayne), in effect imposing a death sentence upon that person, the ultimate ‘goodbye kiss’ or the ‘kiss of death’.” ( to see it for yourself)

So if that is indeed on some “mafia s***” as Lil Wayne expressed, then he should’ve known what the kiss implicated. And if you’re really going to emulate mafia life, you shouldn’t be rapping on songs talking about anything you do. Real gangsters don’t talk. You can’t pick and choose how you get down (unless you’re really gettin’ down *wink*). Now, I’m not going to insinuate any further than the last sentence the preference of those two men. I’ll just say that the industry is rampant with men with real identity crises because of a number of factors; absentee fathers, the excessive misogynistic lyrics and psudo-machismo needed to be expressed in videos, the lack of respect for and inevitable boredom from the many women at their disposable. You be the judge…


Thasha said...

Yeah.....Thats all good and all, but...Baby isn't Lil Wayne's real daddy so....its kinda weird.

Doves_Caged_Bird said...

Well I do see your point; however, because of my alternative lifestyle I may not be the best to respond to this blog, but I will anyway!! lol I think that everyone has the right to live life the way THEY choose to. If kissing his father on the lips is how they get down, thats on them. Why do we as black people always past judgement on others. Everyone says thats not his real daddy...but if he adopted him, then it is his father. Personally I feel there is nothing wrong with affection. Men NEED to be more affectionate. Some of yall need a hug real bad!! lol Anyway, glad to see you guys are back. ~DovesCagedBird~