Wednesday, September 27, 2006

SAY IT AIN'T SO T.O.............

According to , Flamboyant Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens tried to kill himself by overdosing on pain medication, even putting two more pills into his mouth after a friend intervened, according to a police report obtained Wednesday. Owens left the hospital late Wednesday morning, giving reporters a "thumbs up" but making no comment as he was driven away in an SUV.
Publicist Kim Etheredge said in various interviews Wednesday with Dallas-area media that the police have gotten the story wrong. She said she was with Owens, who was having trouble because he'd mixed his pain pills with supplements. She said she called for help because he was becoming unresponsive.
The Dallas police report said Owens was asked by rescue workers "if he was attempting to harm himself, at which time (he) stated, `Yes."'

We need to pray for this brother and hope that he gets the help he needs if this is true. Besides, it will be a cryin shame to for all of that (refer to pic from NECK DOWN only) go to waste.....................Oh yeah and he's an extremely talented football player.

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