Star Jones is pissed off and she ain't taking this sh@# no more!!!!!!!!!!
According to eurweb, she has given the National Enquirer an ultimatum: either admit that a story calling her marriage a "sham" is untrue, or get ready to meet in court. In a demand letter to the Enquirer, Bob Chapman, the attorney for Jones and her husband, Al Reynolds, says the article is "false and defamatory" and has "caused them massive damage." The letter goes on to say, "You have also chosen to state that Mr. Reynolds is gay. While Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds believe that everyone should be free to make their own choice concerning sexual preference and that there is nothing wrong with being gay, you have nonetheless chosen to falsely state that Mr. Reynolds is gay."
Ok................(long sigh) Star baby let me talk to u. Come a lil closer, I understand the need to defend your honor. But boo I'm gone give u 2 reasons, only 2, why people think that your man is fruity.................

He (in pic 1) is looking @ u like, "
I wish this big bitch would get her greasy ass weave off my leg, shoot this is a cashmere jacket." (pic 2) He is cheesing harder than u + he has extensions in his hair. I can understand a brother adding a lil braid hair so his cornrows don't look so stingy but, come on Star. U and your boy made ya'll apointment @
KeKe's Braid & Weave Emporium , went to the
Ming Lings Beauty Supply picked out ya'll weave and sat right next to each other @ the shop talking about, "
I'M BOSSY"..............
AND #2.

As u are climbing over him, he looks as if he is saying, (in pic1) "
Oh my God there is a vagina near my penis", (in pic2)
I think I'm gonna be sick."
All I'm saying Star is , its the presentation Boo.
Steak served on fine china looks much better than steak served on the top of a garbage lid ......( Oh yes yo girl is deep! LOL)